Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 26

Image result for may crowning

Religion:  Next week we will be preparing for the May Crowning Mass. All of the third grade is in charge of this mass. The students are also asked to bring in a flower for the procession of mass to present to Mary. Thursday and Friday we will be talking the Paschal Mystery and making sacrifices.

Writing: This week we continued writing nonfiction paragraphs. We also began a research project where each student learned about a specific author's life. We will take our research and write a biography using our new knowledge about paragraphs.

Math:   Unit 9 continues next week. The focus remains on multiplication and division. Please continue to have your child practice for the timed tests for multiplication and division as the students are encouraged to get the basic facts memorized. They will be learning different strategies for multi-digit multiplication problems.

Spelling: Week 28 Sound of the Syllable A / Root Words with Multiple Affixes
The spelling section of the website contains all of the weekly lists and the choice words in case your child misplaces their words.  You can also find a copy of LSCW if you need it.

Image result for rainforest animalsScience/SS: Students will be learning about the layers and products of the rain forest. Students will be assigned an animal to research in depth for our file folder project. Blank Park Zoo will visit us and will be bringing some animals that could be found in a rain forest on Friday, May 3rd.

Comprehension: Last week the students learned how to use a dictionary to determine the meaning of an unknown word. This week the students practiced using context clues to help understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.