Thursday, January 17, 2019

January 18

Religion:  Next week we will continue to discuss parables and how to find symbols in them to learn about God's kingdom. The students will read the parables and also watch short videos depicting them.
Writing: This week we focused on quotation marks with our Mentor Sentence. We are continuing to draft our own fiction stories. This week the students used the character's words and actions to help the reader understand the story better.
Math:  Next week we will be reviewing Unit 5. The test over the unit will be on Wednesday, January 23. Our next unit will focus on geometry. There will be a lot of vocabulary to review and learn. This is a fun unit with lots of hands-on activities to help the students understand the concepts. We will start with lines, line segments, rays, angles, parallel and intersecting lines, and triangles.

Spelling: Week 16 Sounds of OO (moon and took) / Verb Endings - s, es, ed, ing
The spelling section of the website contains all of the weekly lists and the choice words in case your child misplaces their words.  You can also find a copy of LSCW if you need it.
Science/SS: Students will be watching "Our Friend Martin" in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day on January 21. A reminder that the Blank Poster Board and edited Planning Sheet are due on Thursday, January 25. Invention Convention is Friday, February 2 from 12:15-1:00.
Comprehension: We are continuing to enjoy our class novel, Stone Fox. This week the students choose specific passages from the story and explained why that part of the story stood out to them. We will finish the book next week.