Friday, February 8, 2019

February 8

Religion:  We will be looking at the Parts of the Mass next week. The students will have to know whether something happens in the Liturgy of the Word or the Liturgy of the Eucharist. After conference break, we will focus on the gift of grace and how that can help us in making good decisions.

Writing: We are finishing our fiction unit by sharing our stories with our classmates. After our fiction stories have been told, we will move into a unit on functional writing. This will enforce the idea that we use writing in our everyday lives.
Math:  Unit 6 continues next week with a focus on angles and polyhedrons. We will wrap up the unit after conference break on Friday, February 22 with a test.
Spelling: Week 19 Vowel Digraphs / Compound Words
The spelling section of the website contains all of the weekly lists and the choice words in case your child misplaces their words.  You can also find a copy of LSCW if you need it.
Science/SS: Students will researching a specific inventor/scientist and gain an understanding of how they have helped contribute to science knowledge today. Students will create a short video introducing their inventor/scientist to their classmates.
Comprehension: We are continuing to work on wondering and questioning as we read. The students are really taking notice of their thoughts and even writing them down to share with others.