Thursday, November 15, 2018

November 15

Religion:  Our focus will be on the Works of Mercy the next couple of weeks. They will be using what they learn to create a word cloud in the computer lab.
Writing: Grammar Lesson - Diagramming Sentences with Adjectives
Next week the third graders will continue working on our Personal Narratives unit. We will be discussing strong openings and closings. We will then edit our work and create a final draft to share with the class.
Math:   The fourth unit will start November 26 and will focus on multiplication and division. Some of the skills the students will focus on will be multiples of equal groups, understanding and creating arrays, equal shares and equal groups, and division ties to multiplication with fact families. We will be using a multiplication/division chart to help them find the basic facts. Our goal is that they will master/memorize some of the the "easier" facts this unit.
Spelling: Week 10 Vowel Sounds of Y
The spelling section of the website contains all of the weekly lists and the choice words in case your child misplaces their words.  You can also find a copy of LSCW if you need it.
Science/SS: Students will begin a new unit entitled The American Spirit. Students will choose a person or place that has helped shape and link us together as Americans today to research. The key ideals of Liberty, Equality, Courage, Hard Work, Diversity and Honor will be a common thread to all of these people and places.
Comprehension: We will continue our unit on making inferences. We will practice being detectives and look for clues within passages. We will then apply this to our own reading.